<![CDATA[MOBILE NOTARY PUBLIC WEBSITE - Resources]]>Mon, 27 May 2024 03:18:34 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Terms of Use - Disclaimers - Copyright - Trademarks - Legal Notices]]>Fri, 25 Dec 2020 06:47:17 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/terms-of-use-disclaimers-copyright-trademarks-legal-noticesTERMS OF USE: any form of communications, direct or indirect, whether via e-mails, telephone, faxing, or other promotional materials, including but not limited to, browsing through this website, or by direct verbal communication with Vinh T. Tran on any issue, legal or not, do not and will not constitute solicitor-client relationship, unless and until a monetary retainer is provided to Vinh T. Tran and/or a written retainer is signed by the client and Vinh T. Tran.

Unless required by law or instructed by the client to hold documents and materials belonging to the client, Vinh T. Tran does not hold or is responsible for the loss or damage of any original documents or materials sent to his office via emails or to the address as indicated on his contact information.


COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARKS STRICTLY ENFORCED as to the use of some, all, the combination, or the ordering, of the words, terms, symbols, tags, and contents used in this website ad and those found on other websites provided by Vinh T. Tran, is strictly prohibited.

The following Registered Trade Names are registered to The Law Offices of Vinh T. Tran, Esq.

Toronto Mobile Lawyer
Toronto Mobile Notary Public
House Call Notary Public
Lawyers Help Me!
Attorneys Help Me!
Notary Public Help Me!

The following Domain Names are registered to the Law Offices of Vinh T. Tran, Esq.:

Toronto 1LAW Legal Servives www.1law.ca
Toronto Affidavits Commissioner of Oaths www.affidavits-commissioner-oaths.com
Toronto Attorney Directory & Lawyer Referral Services Website: www.attorneydirectory.website
Toronto Attorney & Lawyer HELP ME www.attorneyhelp.me
Toronto Attorney & Lawyer Search Website www.attorneysearch.website
Toronto Attorneys & Lawyer HELP ME www.attorneyshelp.me
Brampton Notary Public Services www.bramptonnotarypublic.com
Brampton Notary Public Services www.burlingtonnotarypublic.com
Canada Notary Public Services www.canada-notary-public.com
Toronto Commissioner of Oaths Services www.commissioner-of-oaths.ca
Toronto Commissioner of Oaths Services www.commissioner-of-oaths.com
Toronto Commissioner For Taking Affidavits www.commissionerfortakingaffidavits.com
Toronto Contracts Legal Advice Lawyer www.contractslegaladvice.com
Criminal Lawyer HELP ME - Lawyer Referral Services Search www.criminallawyerhelp.me
Divorce Lawyer HELP ME - Lawyer Referral Services Search www.divorcelawyerhelp.me
Downtown Notary Public Toronto www.downtownnotarypublictoronto.com
Downtown Toronto Notary Public www.downtowntorontonotarypublic.com
Toronto Employment Lawyer HELP ME Lawyer Referral Services www.employmentlawyerhelp.me
Etobicoke Notary Public www.etobicoke-notary-public.com
Toronto Family Lawyer HELP ME - Lawyer Referral Services www.familylawyerhelp.me
Find a Lawyer in Toronto Website www.find-a-lawyer.website
Find a Notary Public in Toronto Website www.find-a-notary.website
Toronto Lawyer Foreign Divorce Opinion Letter www.foreigndivorceopinionletter.com
HOUSE CALL NOTARY www.housecallnotary.ca
HOUSE CALL NOTARY website www.housecallnotary.website
HOUSE CALL NOTARY PUBLIC CANADA www.housecallnotarypublic.ca
HOUSE CALL NOTARY PUBLIC WORLD www.housecallnotarypublic.com
HOUSE CALL NOTARY PUBLIC WEBSITE housecallnotarypublic.website
Toronto Independent Legal Advice Lawyer www.ila-lawyer.com
Toronto Immigration Lawyer HELP ME www.immigrationlawyerhelp.me
Toronto Injury Attorney HELP ME - Find an Attorney - Locate and Referral Services www.injuryattorneyhelp.me
Toronto Injury Lawyer HELP ME - Find a Lawyer - Locate and Referral Services www.injurylawyerhelp.me
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Toronto Lawyer Referral Service Website www.lawyerreferralservice.website
Toronto Lawyers HELP ME www.lawyershelp.me
Toronto Lawyer Legal Contracts www.legalcontractslawyer.com
Markham Notary Public Services www.markhamnotarypublic.com
Mississauga Notary Public Services www.mississauga-notary-public.com
Mississauga Notary Commissioner Services www.mississauganotarycommissioner.com
TORONTO MOBILE NOTARY PUBLIC www.mobilenotarypublic.ca
TORONTO MOBILE NOTARY PUBLIC WEBSITE www.mobilenotarypublic.website
Newmarket Notary Public Services www.newmarketnotarypublic.com
Notary York Notary Public Services www.northyorknotarypublic.com
Toronto Notary Public HELP ME www.notarypublichelp.me
Oakville Notary Public Services www.oakville-notary-public.com
Toronto Mobile Lawyer ONELAW.ca Toronto Virtual Law Office www.onelaw.ca
Ontario Notary Public www.ontario-notary-public.com
Ontario Business Lawyer www.ontariobusinesslaw.ca
Ontario Civil Litigation Lawyer www.ontariocivillaw.ca
Ontario Entertainment Lawyer www.ontarioentertainmentlaw.ca
Ontario Wills and Estate Lawyer www.ontarioestatelaw.ca
Ontario Immigration Lawyer www.ontarioimmigrationlaw.ca
Ontario Public Law Lawyer www.ontariopubliclaw.ca
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Toronto Paralegal HELP ME - Paralegal Legal Referral Services www.paralegalshelp.me
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Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer HELP ME - Search Find Contact Locate and Referral Services www.  personalinjurylawyerhelp.me
Pickering Ajax Notary Public Services www.pickering-ajax-notary.com
Toronto Powers of Attorney Lawyer www.powers-of-attorneys.com
Toronto Real Estate Lawyer HELP ME - Lawyer Referral Services - Locate Find and Search for a Lawyer www.realestatelawyerhelp.me
Richmond Hill Notary Public www.richmondhillnotarypublic.com
Scarborough Notary Public www.scarborough-notary-public.com
Scarborough Notary Commissioner of Oaths Services www.scarboroughnotarycommissioner.com
Toronto Lawyer Directory - Find - Search - Locate and Retained - www.toronto-lawyer-directory.com
Toronto Wills and Estate Lawyer www.toronto-wills-lawyer.com
Toronto Commissioner of Oaths Services www.torontocommissionerofoaths.com
Toronto Lawyer Website Referral Services www.torontolawyer.website
Toronto Lawyer 411 Directory Legal Referral Services www.torontolawyer411.com
Toronto Mobile Lawyer www.torontomobilelawyer.ca
Toronto Mobile Notary www.torontomobilenotary.ca
Toronto Mobile Notary Public www.orontomobilenotarypublic.ca
Toronto Notary Public Website Find www.torontonotarypublic.website
Upper Canada Notary www.uppercanadanotary.com
Upper Canada Notary Public www.uppercanadanotarypublic.com
Vaughan Notary Public www.vaughannotarypublic.com
Vinh Tran Law Office - Toronto Virtual Law Office www.vinhtranlaw.ca
Toronto Wills Attorneys Lawyers www.wills-attorneys-lawyers.com
Toronto Wills Lawyers HELP ME www.willslawyerhelp.me
Woodbridge Notary Public www.woodbridgenotarypublic.com

*NOTICE to Competitors* Intellectual Property In Full Effect: Adding the letter "s" to a word such as "Housecalls Notary Public" or adding a word before or after "Mobile Notary Public" such as "24/7 Mobile Notary Public Services" is STILL plagiarism and an intellectual infringement. As legal professionals, you are expected to come up with your own terms and ideas when conducting your legal practice. Your reputation is everything. Violating my copyrighted materials and registered trade names while refusing to disclose your identity and credentials is unethical and contrary to the Rules of Professional Conducts. Attempts to passing off my registered trade names and goodwill will be reported to the Law Society of Upper Canada and challenged in court. Take note that violating my copyrighted materials without prior written permission at your own peril.

Vinh T. Tran, Esq, Barrister & Solicitor, Notary Public, reserves all rights, including but not limited to, the right to seek civil damages and other remedies including costs thereof on a substantial indemnity scale basis against the violators and reporting the violators to their governing body, in Ontario, violators who are lawyers and paralegals will be reported to the Law Society of Upper Canada.
<![CDATA[India Passport Affidavits HELP Notary Public $15 Inclusive - Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, North York, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke Red Seal vs. Gold Seal Stamp.]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:16:19 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/india-passport-affidavits-help-notary-public-15-inclusive-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-north-york-woodbridge-vaughan-brampton-mississauga-etobicoke-red-seal-vs-gold-seal-stampIf you are in need of to renew/reissue your Indian Passport while in Canada, you will need to consult with the Consulate General of India in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the help of a lawyer and notary public.

You may need your Indian Passport renewed or reissued due to many reasons including but not limited to damaged/ lost passports, change in legal name and physical appearances, divorce, birth and marriage, and allowing the passport expiration date to lapse. For these circumstances, you will need to execute a specific Affidavit and get it sworn and sealed by a lawyer and notary public in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The prescribed forms of the Affidavits can be downloaded through the Passport India website or to contact my office directly via email at vinhtranlaw@hotmail.com for a sample template if none of the Affidavits/Forms relate to your particular circumstances.

Please review my website slowly and carefully for instructions regarding contact, location, and fees. Please do not make telephone inquiries. All inquiries must be done in writing via email to vinhtranlaw@hotmail.com or text 647-209-7389.]]>
<![CDATA[Red Seal Notary Toronto Downtown vs. $15 Gold Seal Stamp in Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, North York, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke and Newmarket.]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:14:23 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/red-seal-notary-toronto-downtown-vs-15-gold-seal-stamp-in-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-north-york-woodbridge-vaughan-brampton-mississauga-etobicoke-and-newmarketMany lawyers and notaries public in Toronto will only place an imprint of their embossed seals on your documents without the use of coloured notary seal stickers to save on cost. They will often say that it is not required by law and that those coloured notary seals are only for decorative purposes. While it is true that a coloured notary seal is not required by law on a document for use in Ontario, in many places outside Ontario and especially in other countries where their laws do require that a notary public seal be imprinted onto a gold or red notary public seal sticker. Knowing this, many lawyers and notaries public will charge extra fees if you needed a gold or red notary seal on your document.

The reasons that I decided on the gold notary public seal stickers include the following:
  1. The gold notary public seal sticker is most used and recognized by courts, government agencies, law offices, and schools across the country and around the world.
  2. The gold notary public seal sticker has many practical advantages over the red notary public seal sticker being that it is better seen through photocopying, scanning and faxing of the notarized document. A red notary public seal sticker often appears like a dark smear circle when photocopied, scanned, and faxed.
  3. The gold notary public seal sticker also has many practical advantages over the no coloured sticker method or just the imprint of the embossed notary public seal. Without the use of a notary public seal sticker, the embossed imprint alone often will not show clearly through photocopying, scanning and faxing of the notarized document. The only way to get the embossed seal imprint to show clearly on photocopying, scanning and faxing is to run a coloured pencil over the seal imprint before running it through a photocopier, scanner or fax machine.

Therefore, the use of a gold notary public seal is not just for decorative purposes; it is my identity, legal authority, and the integrity to provide my clients with the best looking official document possible for submission to schools and government agencies; presentation is equally important as credentials. You will not get anything less than high quality professional looking notarized document with an official golden notary seal that will be recognized across the country and around the world.]]>
<![CDATA[Life Certification Pension Form $15 Inclusive Notary Public Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, North York, Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke Red Seal Notary vs. Gold Seal Stamp]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:08:39 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/life-certification-pension-form-15-inclusive-notary-public-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-woodbridge-north-york-brampton-mississauga-etobicoke-red-seal-notary-vs-gold-seal-stampWhen you know that you are entitled to foreign pensions and benefits, there are international pension and benefits declarations and forms that must be submitted with the assistance of a lawyer or a notary public who can verify your identity and swear you under oaths before you can begin to collect those benefits or to be re-issued with such benefits annually upon verification from a lawyer and notary public confirming that you are alive and still living in Canada.

I hope that you will consider contacting my office to assist you with your applications and statutory declarations by housecalls or nursing home visits. I can assist in verifying your identity, notarizing your photos and other personal documents, and commissioning your statement under oaths. I am available to travel to your location providing notarization services on most days, including weekends/Saturdays/Sundays and holidays. ]]>
<![CDATA[Notary Public $15 Teaching Visa North Korea Notarization - University Degrees and Criminal Background Check]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:07:19 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/notary-public-15-teaching-visa-north-korea-notarization-university-degrees-and-criminal-background-checkOnce you have arranged for a teaching position and signed the contract to teach in a foreign country exp. Korea, United Kingdom, United States of America, Japan, and Brazil etc., the school will send you a visa package/application wherein you must submit various personal information and the required documents for immigration visa purposes. Among the required documents for submission will be verification of educational experience and a police/criminal record check before a teaching visa can be issued to you to travel and teach. The same process is repeated if you should decide to renew or extend your teaching visa. 

The following guideline may help you simplify the process:
1. University degrees and transcripts including other relevant educational credentials will need to be taken to a lawyer/notary public for verification and notarization seal. The purpose is so that you will not have to send off the original documents.
2. Get a criminal background check or police clearance letter from the local police department. The original criminal background check letter must then be taken to a lawyer/notary public for a notarization seal. 
3. Notarization of Passport and Other Travel Documents as Certified True Copies evidencing legal status and citizenship.
4. The mentioned notarized documents will need to be taken to the respective embassy for authentication/legalization, in order words, for a consular/consulate seal.

Please contact my office via text 647-209-7289 or via email at vinhtranlaw@hotmail.com if you need further information or clarification of fulfilling the teaching visa requirements. ]]>
<![CDATA[Notary Public Contact Open Weekends and Late Night in Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Mississauga, Brampton, Etobicoke, North York Red Seal Notary vs. Gold Seal Stamp]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:06:14 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/notary-public-contact-open-weekends-and-late-night-in-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-woodbridge-vaughan-mississauga-brampton-etobicoke-north-york-red-seal-notary-vs-gold-seal-stampWhen you are in need of a lawyer, notary public or a commissioner of oaths/affidavits after regular office hours or during the weekend and holiday, I can be available to notarize and commission your documents or to answer your general inquiries. Understandably, work and family obligations may not afford the time for you to attend at a lawyer's office during office hours. Often the only time you have is the evening, during the weekend or holiday. Please review my fees schedule and if you accept the fees listed, I welcome a time to meet with you upon texting 647-209-7389 or email vinhtranlaw@hotmail.com for an appointment.

I endorse and encourage you to visit http://www.officeholidays.com/index.php for references to world calendars, holidays, interesting facts about the holidays and celebrations celebrated locally, provincially, nationally, and around the world.]]>
<![CDATA[Notary Public $15 OSAP Application Guide in Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, North York, Vaughan, Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke Red Seal Notary vs. Gold Seal Stamp.]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:04:03 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/notary-public-15-osap-application-guide-in-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-woodbridge-north-york-vaughan-brampton-mississauga-etobicoke-red-seal-notary-vs-gold-seal-stampThe Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) allows students to borrow money through the government to fund for education in Ontario. The amount of the loan/bursary provided depends on various factors including the student's circumstances, needs, current financial assets/resources, type of program, and course load.

The OSAP application process requires submission of various forms. In circumstances where additional information may be needed to clarify an issue, then an Affidavit can be drafted, signed, sealed and notarized by a lawyer or notary public

The most common situations where an Affidavit may be needed include:
1. Single Parent Declaration - Never been married and taking care of a child/ children.
  • List children's names and dob
  • List name and contact information of the children's parent including occupation
  • List any financial support or employment resources, how much monthly, and where the majority of expenses go to each month exp. child care, clothing, housing etc. 
  • Name of school, program enrolled, and year of enrollment.
2. Common Law Relationship Declaration - Cohabiting in a relationship for at least 3 years or being in a relationship with a natural/adoptive child for any number of year(s).
  • Name and occupation of common law spouse.
  • Length of relationship
  • List children's names and dob, if applicable.
  • List any shared assets if any
  • Indicate whether common relationship was reported for income tax purposes
  • List any financial support or employment resources, how much monthly, and where the majority of the expenses go to each month exp. child care, clothing, housing etc.
  • Name of school, program enrolled and year of enrollment.
3. Single Independent Student whose Parent has no assets/employment/ unable to provide financial means for the student. In this scenario, the parent must attest before a lawyer/notary to the fact that he/she is/was not employed and is unable to provide any financial.
  • Name and dob of child seeking OSAP and relationship to the child/student
  • Reasons why no employment income or any other income is available to give support to the child/student
  • List child's names and dob, if applicable.
  • List any financial support or employment resources belonging to the child.
  • Name of school, program enrolled and year of enrollment.

If you need a free sample template for your revisions, please contact my office at vinhtranlaw@hotmail.com]]>
<![CDATA[Non Impediment Single Status Declaration $15 Inclusive Notarization in Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, Vaughan, North York, Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke Red Seal Notary vs. Gold Seal Stamp.]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 07:01:32 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/non-impediment-single-status-declaration-15-inclusive-notarization-in-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-woodbridge-vaughan-north-york-brampton-mississauga-etobicoke-red-seal-notary-vs-gold-seal-stampDestination weddings/ marriage abroad/overseas are legally recognized in Canada. Getting married in foreign countries may require specific documents to be submitted or presented confirming there are no legal impediments to the marriage. At minimum the following documents and procedures must be followed depending on the laws of a particular country:

1. A certificate declaration of non-impediment for marriage abroad - a sample template can be requested from my office. The certificate declaration may need to be translated or written in both English and the Foreign language. Within this declaration, the following information must be included:
  • Citizenship identification information - exp. notarized copy of passport and/or citizenship card
  • If applicable, details regarding any divorce and widowhood including particular dates -  exp. notarized copy of the divorce papers or death certificate.
  • Names and dates of births of the couple - exp. notarized copy of birth certificates.
  • Professions of the couple
  • Names and contact information of verifiers regarding the relationship, witnesses or consent from parents of the couple.
  • Proposed date and location of the wedding celebration.
  • If applicable, a space for witnesses and/or the officiant to sign confirming the marriage.

2. Once the certificate and the attached documents are notarized, you'll need to contact the consulate or embassy regarding whether they wanted the documents authenticated first by the Official Documents Services or by the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, or whether the respective embassy would just accept the notarized copies and bypassing the authentication process. 

3. Bring the authenticated or legalized package to your destination wedding in case you need to show to customs.]]>
<![CDATA[Family Responsibility Office FRO Forms $15 Inclusive Oaths Commissioner in Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, North York, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke Red Seal Notary vs. Gold Seal Stamp]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:59:19 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/family-responsibility-office-fro-forms-15-inclusive-oaths-commissioner-in-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-north-york-woodbridge-vaughan-brampton-mississauga-etobicoke-red-seal-notary-vs-gold-seal-stampIn Ontario, under the Ministry of Community and Social Services, there is a program called the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) that can assist in enforcing and collecting court order payments for child and spousal support payments. There are regularly used forms used by FRO to assess and enforce court orders, which include but not limited to the Financial Statement and the Statement of Arrears which must be sworn, signed and sealed before a notary public/ commissioner of oaths in Ontario. For more information and print out of these forms, please visit the hyperlinks listed.]]><![CDATA[Vaccination Exemption Declaration $15 for Students Affidavits Commissioner for Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Brampto, Etobicoke, Mississauga Red Seal Notary vs. Gold Seal Stamp]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:56:40 GMThttp://mobilenotarypublic.website/resources/vaccination-exemption-declaration-15-for-students-affidavits-commissioner-for-downtown-toronto-scarborough-markham-richmond-hill-woodbridge-vaughan-brampto-etobicoke-mississauga-red-seal-notary-vs-gold-seal-stampPursuant to the Immunization of School Pupils Act, R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 645, the medical officer of health is required to collect, keep and maintain immunization record of students attending school in Ontario. The schools are required to report the collection of data to the medical officer of health. There is absolutely no mandatory requirement that a student needed immunization/vaccination in order to attend school. Neither the school or the medical officer of health has the legal right to suspend or exclude a student from attending school for lack of evidence or reporting of immunization. There is an Affidavit - Sworn Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Vaccination Exemption Form to be acknowledged by the parents that ONLY in the event of an outbreak or risk of an outbreak of a designated disease situated specifically to the school that the medical officer of health MAY have a right to exclude the student from school who has not provided evidence of immunization for fear that such child may be at risk of contacting the disease. Accordingly, the legal parent or guardian of the child may get this vaccination exemption form submitted to the school upon being properly sworn and witnessed by a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits

Key Terms: Students/Children Immunization/Vaccination Exemption Form Ontario - Toronto School Board of Education - Ministry of Long Term Care - Legal parent and guardian permission for exclusion of vaccination and immunization]]>