The OSAP application process requires submission of various forms. In circumstances where additional information may be needed to clarify an issue, then an Affidavit can be drafted, signed, sealed and notarized by a lawyer or notary public.
The most common situations where an Affidavit may be needed include:
1. Single Parent Declaration - Never been married and taking care of a child/ children.
- List children's names and dob
- List name and contact information of the children's parent including occupation
- List any financial support or employment resources, how much monthly, and where the majority of expenses go to each month exp. child care, clothing, housing etc.
- Name of school, program enrolled, and year of enrollment.
- Name and occupation of common law spouse.
- Length of relationship
- List children's names and dob, if applicable.
- List any shared assets if any
- Indicate whether common relationship was reported for income tax purposes
- List any financial support or employment resources, how much monthly, and where the majority of the expenses go to each month exp. child care, clothing, housing etc.
- Name of school, program enrolled and year of enrollment.
- Name and dob of child seeking OSAP and relationship to the child/student
- Reasons why no employment income or any other income is available to give support to the child/student
- List child's names and dob, if applicable.
- List any financial support or employment resources belonging to the child.
- Name of school, program enrolled and year of enrollment.
If you need a free sample template for your revisions, please contact my office at [email protected]